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Scoil Eoin Baiste, Umlagh, Carrigart, Co.Donegal
Mid-Term Break- School Closed on Thursday 20th & Friday 21st February
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Green Schools


We have started working towards achieving our 7th Green Flag Award.


Our Theme is :  Global Citizenship Energy-  This theme gives us an opportunity to revise the Energy theme and look at issues surrounding energy use all around the world. 




We have explored and worked on 6 Green School Themes and were awarded our 6th Green Flag in 2020.  Covid-19 certainly put a stop to any of our usual flag raising celebrations but we are really grateful to Mrs Murphy and the Green Schools Committee for all their hard work. We always love a celebration here in the school so when times are safer we won't let this award go unnoticed. 

The themes we have worked on previously are: 

Litter & Waste





Global Citizenship-Litter & Waste

What has been done in the school around the theme Global Citizenship- Litter & Waste?

New green code (stage 1)



Excellent; committee decided on “This is our Earth – there is no Planet B” as our new green code (photos included of art work done throughout the school on the new green code)

Waste audit (stage 2)



Achieved. Excellent work by the committee! (Photos of audit sheets completed by committee members attached)

Reduce plastic bottles used: see committee meeting notes

All committee members


Excellent: we have reduced our single-use plastic bottles to zero!

Raise awareness of global citizenship issues

All teachers

September 2020 for school year

Excellent: all classes have completed curricular lessons on global citizenship issues.

Curriculum work (stage 5)

All teachers


Excellent: Ms Murphy gave all teachers the booklet on curriculum links in September 2020 and all classes have completed curricular work. please see photos of various curriculum work done on global citizenship, litter and waste throughout the school year.

Raise awareness of recycling at home (stage 6)

All families to receive surveys and information


Very good: survey completed January 2020 – we plan to send information to parents and try to organise a talk from a composting expert before the end of the school year.

Contact Carrigart Tidy Towns to arrange collaboration (maintenance work on biodiversity theme)

Ms Murphy

Within school year

Columba Boyce from Carrigart Tidy Towns came to the school and did some planting with all classes (photos attached).

Contact Green Schools advisor for help with climate change theme.

Ms Murphy

Within school year

Aengus Kennedy came to the school and gave talks on climate change to the senior classes.

Celebrate various nationalities in the school. (stage 6)

Committee / Ms Murphy


Excellent; Sue Cruse came to school and did a cooking demonstration of Sri Lankan cuisine with all classes; various families with links to Poland, Denmark, Scotland, England, Bali, Australia and Thailand will take part in our celebration of global communities on our Action Day, March 23rd 2020.

Arrange Action Day


Before application deadline of March 27th 2020

Action Day arranged for March 23rd 2020. See attached information sheet

Ongoing maintenance of energy theme – meter readings, monitoring energy use in the classrooms and school in general.

Each committee member monitors own classroom; Ms O Donnell and senior committee members take meter readings.


Excellent – committee members are fantastic at reminding their classmates to switch off lights and keep windows and doors closed, for example.

Ongoing maintenance of travel theme

Committee / all pupils


As part of our Action Day, we are arranging a Walk or Cycle to school, in conjunction with the local gardaí.

All children have received high-vis vests and are encouraged to walk or cycle where possible.

Ongoing maintenance of water theme

Committee / all pupils


Excellent: we have eliminated the use of single-use plastic bottles of water. All children now have their own reusable bottle for school. The parents association paid for the installation of water fountains in the front and back playgrounds.

Evaluation of Action Plan (stages 3 & 4)



Action Plan is reviewed at committee meetings.